Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Month of June

This has been a busy month, yet interesting and rewarding. In fact, it’s been demanding, yet satisfying.

We get our medicine, as a veteran, at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, so that meant a trip of 120 miles each way. I bought my hearing aids through their Audiology Department in the Hospital and took advantage of this trip over there to get them checked out. Turned out they’re probably good for another year and that was welcome news. We’re very fortunate to be able to pick up our medications through their pharmacy every three months. We alternate driving with friends of ours and that saves on gas. Gas got pretty expensive here in Indianapolis during May ($3.39 per gallon) but it’s come down to $2.87 this past week. It seems strange to say that gas at $2.87 is cheap. I can remember in 1940 when gas was 18 cents per gallon. I guess its all relative.

Every Wednesday morning I go to breakfast with my golf buddies. We started out in 1990 with five of us for our weekly breakfasts, the purpose of which was to decide where our golf group would travel to play golf on our twice-monthly schedule. There were sixteen of us in that group originally, but now we don’t travel to different courses any more since the group has drifted apart and several have passed away. In fact our breakfast group is down to three of us. Once in a while anymore, two of us get out playing golf, but usually we just have breakfast and talk about golf, politics, the Indianapolis Colts or the Pacers. Oh, and I can’t forget the discussions about our various ailments. I’m 78 years old and the other two are 84. I’ve included a couple pictures of back when we were getting together regularly for golf. The picture of the single golfer is me and the group picture features four of our original 16. The two on the right in the group picture passed away a few years ago.

This has been an extremely warm month and the grass has really grown. It takes me about three hours to cut our yard and sometimes this month I’ve had to cut it twice each week. Finally last week the grass went dormant from all the heat and I haven’t had to cut it for a week. It finally rained last night and most of this morning. I suppose the grass will recover from its dormancy and I’ll have to start cutting it again. Regardless, the hot weather is still better than snow. Two projects I still am trying to get done are some repairs for the pool (the pump has a seal that’s leaking and the heater has a safety valve that needs replacing) and we have an awning that we’re trying to get someone to give us an estimate on replacing. We also signed up for another River Boat vacation trip in Europe. So you can see we’ve been quite busy.

1 comment:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hi jay! another river boat in europe? sounds good. we did the danube in 2004 on viking, it was wonderful!

currently we have four cruises booked, a mediterranean, a transatlantic, a family christmas cruise, and a bloggers cruise in jan.

quite a full schedule!

tell your lovely bride we said hello.

smiles, b